Paradise Syndicate Presents...
Wednesday, Nov 11th
12:00 am PST | 3:00 pm EST | 8:00 pm GMT | 9:00 pm CEST
In PART 1: "The Abundant You" we learned that abundance is already present
for us but is resonating in a different frequency.
We must resonate in the same frequency in order to attract it into our lived experience.
Our thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs and conditioning all contribute to our overall frequency and create our experience of reality. If we typically have thoughts about what is lacking then this shows up in our material world and usually in our bank accounts.
Any LACK we are experiencing in any area of our life is because internally there is a block that then becomes expressed externally. We are powerful creators of our experienced reality but often the abundance blocks are buried deep in the unconscious mind.
Unexpectedly, our first lesson took us on an exploration into loss, grief, shame and guilt as that was present in the field of the audience and especially by one group member who had recently gone through major loss related trauma in her life.
This is a great example of the healing power of these sessions,
as well as a great example that Abundance blocks are not always what we expect them to be.
Athena sets the stage and creates a loving container so that whatever needs
to come up to the surface to be healed, naturally presents itself.
Athena also conducted a powerful Quantum Energy Clearing to assist in relieving and transmuting the low frequency imprints that presented themselves during the session.
This was an extraordinary heartfelt and deep session full of human connection
for everyone involved and the loving support that swept through the audience
was absolutely beautiful to be a part of.
In this session, PART 2: The Powerful You we will take a look at the 8 most common blocks to realizing our full abundance that you may not be consciously aware of. And there may be others buried deep in your unconscious mind.
Athena will work with the audience to see what is present in the audience field and then do an energy clearing to empower you to clear your erroneous thought patterns and support a new and more aligned approach.
You will also receive a simple formula that immediately changes your frequency.
What is an Abundance Block?
8 common abundance blocks (not what you thought)
The Simple Formula that starts your Abundance Flow
Guided Group Energy Work
Meet Your Guide
Your Guide is published Author and International Business Consultant, Mentor and Transformation Facilitator, Athena Melchizedek Sananda.
She is dedicated to the development of evolutionary leadership based in Unity Consciousness through her programs of self-empowerment, personal mastery and management of the human bio-energyfield.
For over 25 years her site of action has been the global business arena. She is devoted to activating, empowering and supporting evolutionary leaders to expand their consciousness, access their higher intelligence and reach their greatest potential to become the enlightened leaders and change-makers of the 21Century and beyond.
She recognizes business is a powerful force for great good when aligned with conscious values and new outer structures of evolved business are dependent on harmonious inner energy alignment.
2020 Athena Melchizedek and Paradise Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.