Paradise Syndicate Presents...
Friday, Dec 18th
12:00 am PST | 3:00 pm EST | 8:00 pm GMT | 21:00 CEST
DURATION 120 min
In this Live Online Group Immersion Psycho-Energetic Therapist; Quantum Healer; International Business Consultant; Mentor; Yogini; and Published Author; Athena Melchizedek will take you on a deep exploration were we will discover the true nature and meaning of abundance, how we can turn challenge into opportunity and Scarcity into Abundance.
This is rare opportunity to get free access to one of the most experienced transformation facilitators in the field. Athena has developed a unique method in which she is working on both the psychological and the energetic level to ensure the most powerful understanding and transformation.
Don't put Abundance on hold any more, the world needs you in full alignment;
Claim your spot NOW by signing up at the bottom of this page.
No session is ever like another, but healing is always the outcome.
This is an interactive experience where Athena will create a safe and loving container and ask YOU how YOU currently think and feel about Abundance and together explore the underlying assumptions or imprints that create blockages that will restrain abundance from manifesting in your life in any way shape or form.
Those who have experienced Athenas work before can attest to that even though the topic is Abundance, what is restraining our abundance can come in a myriad of ways and no session is ever like another, but healing is always the outcome.
Meet Your Guide
Psycho-Energetic Therapist; Quantum Healer; International Business Consultant; Mentor; Yogini; and Published Author; Athena Melchizedek.
She is dedicated to helping her clients transform their lives, projects and businesses. For over 40 years her site of action has been the global business arena. She is devoted to activating, empowering and supporting all rising visionary leaders to expand their consciousness, access their higher intelligence and reach their greatest potential to become the enlightened leaders and change-makers of the 21st century and beyond.
She holds degrees in Advanced Psycho-Energetics and Remote Energy Transmission and an MSc in Psychosocial and Integrative Health Science, but acknowledges that her life experience has been her greatest teacher.
She has worked with many Spiritual Leaders in the Far East, North and South America, Europe, Africa and India.
She is the Author of The Quantum Keys, describing a pathway to self-realisation and the synergy of modern science and ancient wisdom that characterizes her work.
Why Abundance is your Birthright
What is Full Spectrum Abundance?
How do YOU Think and Feel about Abundance?
Group Energy Work
2020 Athena Melchizedek and Paradise Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.