Paradise Syndicate Presents...
Sunday, Nov 15th
12:00 am PST | 3:00 pm EST | 8:00 pm GMT | 09:00 pm CEST
What a powerful week of love and healing this was. We have been touched by all your messages of support and the loving testimonials of profound change and transformation. As we have announced in our last session. We will be adding an unannounced BONUS to this Free Series:
This is a free flow session to integrate the weeks work. We will not cover a specific topic but instead go straight to you in the audience to answer all your questions, reflect on the previous sessions and address what imprints may still be lingering within. This a great opportunity to come together and be with each other once more in this sacred space, to just feel what needs to be addressed and talk about what’s next moving forward. Thank you all for your participation, we couldn’t have done it without you!
This is the FINAL part of the Happy, Healthy & Abundant You- series.
We hope to see you there.
In Love, Unity, Creation & Abundance
The Paradise Syndicate
Integration Support: How have you been, which changes did you experience?
Q & A: A chance to ask and get answers from Athena
Learn about the Conscious and Unconscious Mind
Learn about opportunities for deeper understanding & healing
Meet Your Guide
Your Guide is published Author and International Business Consultant, Mentor and Transformation Facilitator, Athena Melchizedek Sananda.
She is dedicated to the development of evolutionary leadership based in Unity Consciousness through her programs of self-empowerment, personal mastery and management of the human bio-energyfield.
For over 25 years her site of action has been the global business arena. She is devoted to activating, empowering and supporting evolutionary leaders to expand their consciousness, access their higher intelligence and reach their greatest potential to become the enlightened leaders and change-makers of the 21Century and beyond.
She recognizes business is a powerful force for great good when aligned with conscious values and new outer structures of evolved business are dependent on harmonious inner energy alignment.
2020 Athena Melchizedek and Paradise Syndicate. All Rights Reserved.